Tuesday 8 June 2010

Bile, wordplay, lust and lesbianism

An ultra-quick post this time as I'm dead tired. A massive thank you to everyone who's become a follower - hope I can please you marvellous folks! Here's a more recent poem that I knocked out in about an hour - angry about a poet I read who used only prettiness as inspiration, substance and ornamentation. So naturally I resorted to plenty of bile, lust, wordplay, bitterness and, hell, threw in some pseudo-lesbian craziness for good measure. Enjoy!

I think I might be gay;
She nestles me in sibilance,
A syllabic sac of beauty like a kiss -
But with a tenderness, such care
That makes me feverish, unsure;
A touch on a comatose mind
That’s new, aware.

Or else a something-phile…
Sorry lover, all delicacy is yours
And I’m base jack in your elegant court.
I haven’t the romance in my curves
And no charm, none of the tact
That coddles your sensitive lips and hands -
I try to lap at it, but bite
Hard on the tract.

Maybe I’m none of these,
A bitter nothing biter always chromatic haranguing
Those doing it the way I can’t;
Pale ladies and gents that fold like water.
My form’s all sharp for grasping gums to suck
And hands flat slap on skins stretched up for passion;
I can’t make love the way they do,
I give a fuck.

And now I’d tie it up
(Although she wouldn’t have to,
She’s laid you swooning in the one-way street
Carved out while she was singing).
But sweet, there’s not a hint from underneath
And prettiness offends some primal part;
It’s hard to see the world as soft
When eyes are teeth.

Mother! Is this how you wanted me to die,
Tonguing your name with my dumb organ?

NB: Any ideas for a title, chaps?



    meaning "US" I like bluntness, I like it to the point, I love the way you express your self,it's up to us to determind how to take it.


  2. Very pointed, very meaningful. I like it a lot. As to titles, Expose' springs to mind (Don't ask where it sprung from) as does Sharp Edges.
    Keep up the good work Cad.

  3. i like it. :)
    hmmm..title.. i have no idea.. :D
    keep posting :D
