Thursday 13 May 2010

A sexy new toy for the Current Cad...

So I'm still at work and having one of those moments where there is absolutely nothing that I should be doing. Which gives me a moment to update you on the reason that I'm jigging excitedly in my swivel-chair (a rare dancing feat of arse and wheels). As of one hour ago, I have a new toy. A BMW F800R, Chris Pfeiffer replica*. Oh, but it's sexy. One minute drooling over the hunk of metal and I'd consigned my poor old Bandit to the lock-up with barely a pang of guilt. (NB: riding in a skirt and heels is not recommended unless you're up for a, breeze.)

Okay, I only have it for a week. But I'll be riding it to Anglesey on Monday, then tooling around the track on it on Tuesday feeling like a pro (and trying to keep out the way of the pros). This is the first day I've actually looked forward to going home - on the new steed.

For those many of you who aren't so bike inclined, having trouble concentrating on anything else to tantalize you with. But I'll persevere.

Having met a whole host of different characters in the past week (no, I'm not at Disneyland), I'm starting to realise that everyone has a hidden...thing. No, not that thing. Every single person has one very esoteric and original area of expertise, or particular idiosyncratic experience, that you might never find out unless you ask specifically for it - and then you'll be gobsmacked. It's so easy to simplify your perceptions of the people you come into contact with - whether over a long or short period - into 'That's just my mate Stoogenmeier.' 'That's just Girl With Herring.' But an amazing way to break the ice, or gain a new level of respect for your existing mates, is to really ask after their thing. (Please don't confuse this with the other thing - it may also be a good way to break the ice, but can lead to a loss of respect for your existing mates.) I mean, really ask after it - make them come up with it, ask specifically for it and make them dig deep.

It might be anything - a crazy specialist subject they became proficient in at uni by helping a struggling mate, a life-changing accident or injury, a bizarre hobby they had ten years ago. But it'll really open your mind to the...reality and substantiality of other people's lives. Right now I can feel the 'things' of everyone in the office (I'll give you a couple of seconds to get that image out of your filthy, filthy minds) - just opening your mind to be aware of the hidden talents and experiences of other people really does make you operate differently. Instead of 'man', you

I know, I know; I'm full of love and respect for my fellow humans with a sickening lack of bitterness and sarcasm. I do apologise. Normal service to resume as soon as possible. But please go out and ask at least one person if they'll share their thing with you. And please phrase it differently. (Or don't; results may vary.) I'll post with some of my people's things tomorrow, if I can.

Okay, it's 5.04 and it's almost time to get out of these clothes and leap onto the new love of my life. Hell yeah, sexual connotations. If it rides like it looks, I'll...wish it was a man.

- The Current Cad

* If you don't know what or who this is (as I didn't until about 3 days ago) then watch this video:
- And no, I can't do that. Yet... *shifty eyes. Runs off from desk. Comes back with bruises.* No, I can't do that.

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